Paulina Morning is a passionate emerging business leader driven by her commitment to innovation and excellence in her field. With an MS in Data Analytics and a BS in Marketing, Paulina continues her pursuit of leadership and entrepreneurial certifications, striving to expand her knowledge in Business, Marketing, Design, and Finance. She is equipping herself to provide essential insights to creators and innovators.
Paulina’s journey is deeply rooted in creativity, coming from a background enriched by the arts. She believes that creativity is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, and she is dedicated to fostering community and supporting creators in their ventures.
In 2024, Paulina was inspired to launch Studio Creatives (Stu Creatives) driven by her profound passion for creativity and her commitment to supporting fellow creators on their journeys. Having navigated her own challenges and triumphs in the artistic realm, she recognized a significant gap in the resources available to aspiring artists.
Motivated to make a difference, Paulina envisioned a platform where individuals could access valuable insights, share their experiences, and find inspiration.
Studio Creatives now serves as a vital resource hub dedicated to empowering others in their personal ventures.
Check out the links below!